Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview – Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

United States fossil fuel subsidies at $37.5 billion annually, including $21 billion in production and exploration subsidies. Other credible estimates of annual United States fossil fuel subsidies range from $10 billion to $52 billion annually – source, Price of Oil. Com States fossil fuel subsidies at *$37.5 billion annually,* including *$21 billion in production and exploration subsidies.* Other credible estimates of annual United States fossil fuel subsidies range from *$10 billion* to *$52 billion annually*–Ophttp://**


a congratulatory minute, for calling them the real parasites, these Companies,are sucking our blood. I will try my best to expose the Welfare Tax cut and 8 other cuts to this industry.

Let’s begin, I have never witnessed this,


SSA —– Also in danger ——
*SSI website,, is just one online channel we use to reach our audience. The following is a directory of social media channels that help us reach a broader audience and engage citizens.

SSA Social Media Channels

.over $20 billion

  •  Saving our water #Nodapal #rezpectourwater 


Lets look at the UN Global approval for Companies and subsidiaries, they are G20, G8 and now G7. The G20 was to allow G20 companies to work with each other and enjoy for now all G20. The flowing projects of high polutants and Carbon Emissions, this brings us to G7, a 4 year revamping of this platform, and no more public bailouts. Also there is a problem with oil Company’s hiring very much ops military to do there bidding.


This Army is just some of what was Standing Rock, the Native Americans do not want poisoned water. #nodapl #waterislife

  • And with this truth we will close.


  • Oil Change International Campaign’s
  • To expose the true Cost of Fossil Fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards’Clean Energy.’